2021 Point in Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory Chart (HIC) Reports


The Point in Time Count (PIT) and Housing Inventory Chart (HIC) are two reports that are submitted to HUD annually. Data used for the reports is collected on one day during the last ten days of January each year. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are reflected for the first time in the 2021 reports as the shut down in NYS did not occur until the end of March 2020. As you will see in the attached reports there are significant decreases in the number of both sheltered and unsheltered homeless. The biggest changes in the HIC are in the emergency shelters where capacity was decreased in order to follow social distancing guidelines. Some points to consider when looking at the reports is provided. The reports will be available on our website shortly – www.letsendhomelessness.org

If you have any questions contact: Connie Sanderson csanderson@letsendhomelessness.org or 585-319-5091 x103
