US Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires all Continuums of Care (CoCs) to collect homeless data in a centralized database to provide an unduplicated number of homeless persons throughout the CoC and to collect relevant data on homeless populations that support planning activities, measure performance and track the demographics and service needs of homeless populations.  The HMIS Lead Agency is the Rochester/Monroe County Homeless CoC.  The CoC selected Service Point, a web-based software, in 2004 and contracts directly with the vendor Mediware for software licenses, security, and support.

All programs that receive CoC, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), or Runaway Homeless Youth (RHY) funding are required to submit client and program-level data into HMIS.  The CoC strongly encourages other homeless providers not to receive these types of funding from participating.  Without their data, it is more difficult to get a complete homeless count and to ensure that all homeless persons can access housing and services.  

All programs participating in HMIS are now currently sharing basic data elements that will support full implementation of the Coordinated Entry system, improve the efficiency of providers by reducing the amount of time spent on data entry, and, most importantly will, reduce the number of times that homeless persons will need to repeat their story.

If you have questions or want further information about HMIS, please contact Carolyn Keyser at

Documents and Forms

WellSky Community Services for Rochester/Monroe County Homeless CoC – HMIS

WellSky Community Services for Rochester/Monroe County CoC – HMIS Training Site