2024 Point in Time Report


The 2024 Point in Time Count was held January 25, 2024. Each CoC is required to conduct an annual point in time count that includes:
-A one day count of the number of people sheltered, those in emergency shelters, warming centers, transitional housing for the homeless and Safe Havens
-A one day count of the number of people who are unsheltered, those who are living in places not intended for people to stay in, i.e. – encampments, abandoned buildings, parks, under bridges, etc.

Attached you will find two reports, the 2024 Point in Time count and a report that shows the comparative numbers from prior years. The 2024 count is reflecting a significant increase in both sheltered and unsheltered homeless . The numbers have returned to the pre-COVID historical data. We believe this is due to the length of the NYS Eviction Moratorium, the high number of eviction cases brought to Housing Court and the decrease in available affordable units due to rental units being taken off line after COVID and high rent increases.




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