Category: Featured


  • FY 2023 CoC Funding Awards Announced

    We are excited to share that the FY2023 CoC Funding awards have been announced. The total award for CoC NY-500 was $15,666,769 that represented an 8.48% increase from FY2022. There were no new projects awarded funding but all existing programs were fully funded. The $1,342,335 increase was primarily due to adjustments to Fair Market Rent…

  • Point in Time Count – THANK YOU!!!!

    Each year during the last week of January, Partners Ending Homelessness (PEH) as the CoC Lead for Monroe County conducts a count of the unsheltered homeless across Monroe County. The 2024 annual Point in Time (PIT) Count was conducted on Thursday, January 26th. More than 70 people completed surveys or observation reportsnthis year. Each person…

  • Save the Date – PEH Annual Board Meeting – 1/9/2024

    Partners Ending Homelessness (PEH) will be holding their Annual Meeting (via Zoom) on Tuesday, January 9th at 12Noon. The meeting will celebrate accomplishments of PEH and their partners in 2023. The Agenda and Zoom link to the Annual Meeting will be sent out the week of January 2nd.

  • Point in Time Count Donations

    We have begun planning for the 2024 Homeless Count – Point in Time Count. On January 25th, volunteers will hit the streets to survey individuals experiencing homelessness and living outside in our community. This annual event is important to continue receiving HUD homeless services funding in Monroe County and to identify trends. It needs to…

  • Point in Time count 2024

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It is the start of the Point in Time season. The Partners Ending Homelessness is looking for around 100 volunteers to help us count the unsheltered homeless on January 25th. PEH needs volunteers for one 6-hour shift on the night of the count. The training for the…

  • Code Blue Warming Centers

    The Code Blue warming centers are now open 24 hours per day. Free bus passes to get to warming center sites were distributed to outreach workers and are available at the Father Tracy Advocacy Center, 821 North Clinton Avenue. Rides from the RTS Transit Center to the warming centers will be free if the person…

  • Save the Date – Partners Ending Homelessness Annual Meeting

    Partners Ending Homelessness (PEH) will be holding their Annual Meeting (via Zoom) on Tuesday, January 9th at 12Noon. The meeting will celebrate accomplishments of PEH and their partners in 2022. More details will follow as we get closer to the meeting.

  • Employment Opportunity – Reentry Navigator

    The Reentry Association of Western NY has Reentry Navigator position available. The Reentry Navigator will complete intakes for clients and ensure that there is welcoming atmosphere for clients, visitors and staff. Will assist clients with completing various forms such as benefit and job applications. See attachment for a full job description and how to apply.…

  • VP of Operations and Facilities

    YWCA is hiring temporary staff for Code Blue Center. We would like to offer the opportunity to apply. Code Blue Warming Center The YWCA is looking for staff and volunteers to help oversee Code Blue Warming Center at 35 Ardmore Street starting 12/18/2023. Looking for 8-hour shifts (8am-4pm, 4pm-12am, 12am-8am Sunday through Saturday. If you…

  • HEAP Program for Utility Assistance is Open

    State funding is available to lower the cost of your energy bill. The Home Energy Assistance Progam (HEAP) opened for applications on 11/1/2023. You can apply in person, online or by mail. Eligibility for HEAP is income based; for a single person monthly income must be less than $3,035 for a 4 person household must…
