Category: General


  • Reentry Resources for Justice-Involved Persons:

    Reentry Resources for Justice-Involved Persons: Do you have a family member or friend who is currently in jail or prison? Do you know anyone experiencing the collateral consequences of a past incarceration? Join us at the Sully Branch Library on Thursday October 20th at 12pm or the Arnett Branch Library on Thursday November 3 at…

  • 2022 My Health Story Survey

    As part of its mission to understand and bring focus to health equity, Common Ground Health is launching its My Health Story 2022 survey. Survey responses will help deepen understanding of the dynamics that drive health equity, and reveal where program and policy changes could make our communities healthier. The goal is to provide a…

  • “988” Palm Cards

    988 is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL). It provides a direct connection to caring support for anyone in mental health distress, including thoughts of suicide, substance abuse crisis or emotional distress. It is a free service; 988 can be contacted by chat, text or phone. The newest educational resource for 988 is the Palm…

  • FY2022 CoC Consolidated Application

    Partners Ending Homelessness has submitted the FY2022 CoC Consolidated Application to HUD. The application submission included the consolidated application, 37 renewal project applications, the CoC Planning grant and 2 new project applications; totaling $13,862,087. We anticipate that HUD will announce awards in the next 3 – 4 months. The application has been posted to our…

  • Making Moves – Re-Entry Resource Guide

    Check out the Monroe County Library System’s Making Moves webpage Making Moves is a reference guide to Re-entry Resources for people impacted by the criminal legal system. Please share this information with your program participants via the attached flyer.

  • Long Term Housing Supervisor position

    The YWCA is looking for someone who has a passion for housing. Currently we have a long term housing supervisor position available to oversee our NYYSP and ESSHI contracts. If you are interested please go to us/ careers and apply on line. If you have questions please feel free to reach out to me…

  • Veterans Stand Down – Friday, September 16th

    The Veterans Outreach Center (VOC) is sponsoring the 2022 Veteran’s Stand Down on Friday, September 16th from 11AM – 2PM. The location will be: The City of Rochester Public Market280 North Union Street On-site services will be offered, as well as lunch and the 198th Army Band will be performing. The event flyer is attached…

  • 13th Annual Housing and Services Conference

    Save the Date!! The 13th Annual Housing and Services Conference will be held November 9-10 in Niagara Falls, NY! We are excited to be hosting the conference in person again and hope you will join us. If you are interested in participating as a speaker, presenter or sponsor please contact Sara Taylor at

  • Employment Opportunity

    Baden Street Settlement is looking for a Kitchen Aide for the Mature Adult Resource Center. Primary responsibilities include serving food and keeping kitchen and dining area clean. Attached you will find the Job Description for the position. Please contact Delores Rodriguez at if you have questions or would like further information.

  • Job Posting at Nielsen House at Spiritus Christi Prison Outreach

    Good Morning, We have a job opening at Nielsen House at Spiritus Christi Prison Outreach. Applicants can apply through Indeed at the below link. Thank you! Elizabeth
