Save the Date: 3/31/2021 – Webinar – Services Provided by Non Profit Legal Services Agencies
Join us for a Zoom event and hear from Monroe County legal service agency staff from Legal Assistance of Western NY, The Legal Aid Society, Volunteer Legal Services Project, Empire Justice, Disability Rights New York and LawHelpNY. Presentations will include Family Law, Education Law, Housing, Immigration, Employment and Unemployment, Public Benefits and more! For questions…
Need Cribs or Bunk Beds?
Spriritus Christi Prison Outreach has an abundance of bunk beds and cribs that they would like to donate to any community partners that are in need of these items. If you are interested please contact Sarah Lee at Jennifer House, by phone at 585-288-1074 or by email at slee@spirituschristipo.org
DHS 101 Training
Monroe County DHS has scheduled a DHS 101 Training for March 11th and 12th. MCDHS is a complex agency that may present challenges to those in the community who are working with individuals in need of public benefits and services. After attending the sessions, community partners will have a greater understanding of DHS Financial Assistance…
Chronic Homeless Workgroup
The Chronic Homeless Workgroup has changed its regular meeting time to the second Fridays of the month, 11am – 12N. Next scheduled meeting is March 12, 2021. Currently, they are held via Zoom. The Zoom meeting link and call in numbers are as follows: https://zoom.us/j/97798674589?pwd=bGwvci9ZZFMyT053UmNYT2dobGhndz09 ID: 97798674589 Passcode: 943975 Join by Phone – 1-929-205-6099 Passcode:…
Live in Staff position at Bethany House
Are you working with a female resident who needs a place to live and a job? This may be a perfect fit. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Live-in-Staff-person-2020-2-1.doc
Employment Opportunity – Baden Street Settlement, Inc.
Baden Street is looking for a general caseworker in their Emergency and Family Assistance Department. For further information or questions please contact Dolores Rodriguez at drodriguez@badenstreet.org or at 585-325-4910 x1137. Follow link to the job description. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/general-CW.docx
Community Health Worker Training
The Community Health Workers Association of Rochester is currently recruiting for our training program. We are looking for community members that want to get into a career of community health work- this includes peers, outreach and any other title in that realm! If anyone knows someone that would be a good candidate please reach out,…
Cultural Trainings – Defining Self Through Race, Ethnicity and Class
This four hour experience will present a number of perspectives on how race, ethnicity and social class my impact our perceptions, actions and belief system. This training meets the requirements for mandatory OASAS, OMH and DOH staff annual training! Sessions are scheduled for January 28th and 29th. Cost is $75. For further information contact Kim…
Census Jobs Available
Dear Census Partner, The Census Bureau is hiring field representatives in your area of Rochester, NY to collect data for our surveys. The scale of recruitment is not like the 2020 Census, but these surveys are ongoing and critical to the Census Bureau’s overall mission – To serve as the nation’s leading provider of quality…
Employment Opportunity! Street Outreach Workers
Person Centered Housing Options is currently hiring two Outreach Workers for their Street Outreach program. These positions will link and work to maintain engagement with homeless populations by utilizing the Critical Time intervention model as well as other evidence based approaches. Go to the following Indeed link to get more detailed information on responsibilities and…