Best Practices for Serving People with High Acuity Needs
HUD has currently released materials and resources that address serving people with different acuity levels. While they are addressing Rapid Re-housing programs, the information is also useful for PSH programs and any programs serving vulnerable populations. Follow link to HUD Exchange https://www.hudexchange.info/trainings/courses/best-practices-for-serving-populations-with-high-acuity-needs/ for recording of the webinar and slides. Summary is also provided on attached…
Central Church of Christ Winter Coat Drive and Giveaway
The Central Church of Christ is organizing a winter coat drive from October 9th – November 25th. The Giveaway will be Thursday November 26th. Donate your gently used or new coats and cold weather items and help others stay warm. Follow link to flyer with information on when and where donations can be dropped off…
Training – Fleeing Domestic Violence and Trauma
Willow Domestic Violence Center is presenting a free training on Trauma and Fleeing Domestic Violence on Wednesday December 2, 2020 from 10am – 11:30am. Training will be virtual via a Zoom meeting. Contact Stefanie DeBellis with any questions at stefanied@willowcenterny.org The Zoom link is: https://zoom.us/j/97102209435?pwd=REFpVEpEbWN1YXNMd01aN2RHcldNUT09 Meeting ID: 971 0220 9435 Passcode: 692530
12th Annual Housing & Supportive Services Conference
The 12th Annual Housing & Supportive Services Conference will be virtual via Zoom on November 12-13, 2020 from 9AM – 12 Noon. The Early Bird registration discount has been extended until 10/30/2020. The conference will offer discussions and workshops that feature speakers with diverse expertise in areas of housing, healthcare and supportive services. Follow link…
Foodlink Pilot Program – Free Produce Provided Weekly
Foodlink is starting a new program in their Curbside Markets. Each week you will be able to pick up a box of pre-packed fruits and vegetables from local and regional farms. These boxes normally priced at $10 will be available at no cost. Contact Florence Givens at Foodlink, 721-3589 for information on how to sign…
Racial Equity & Housing Justice During/After COVID-19
Ta-Nehisi Coates will be addressing “Racial Equity and Housing Justice During and After COVID-19”. Please join NYU’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, and NLIHC for a conversation on “Racial Equity and Housing Justice during and after COVID-19” on October 6, at 1 pm ET. Mr. Coates is author and thought leader, shaping the discourse on…
Resources for Landlords
The Housing Council at PathStone is offering courses to landlords who are interested in improving the management of their properties as well as Landlord Lunch and Learn sessions. Follow link for flyer providing details and registration information. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/2020-Fall-class-flyer-FINAL.pdf
Professional Development Program – Free Online Trainings
A series of free trainings are available from the Professional Development Program, SUNY Albany for direct service staff. Topics include Leveraging Diversity to Enhance Shelter Services; Working Effectively with LGBT Residents; Understanding Opioid Use; and Substance Abuse and Its Impact on Shelter Residents. Follow link for workshop descriptions and registration information. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Professional-Development-Center-Free-Online-Trainings.docx
City of Rochester – 2020 Affordable Housing Development RFP
The City of Rochester is seeking proposals to develop affordable rental and home ownership units. The RFP and cover page can be found at https://www.cityofrochester.gov/housingrfp/ . A pre-proposal conference will be held via Zoom on Monday 9/14/2020 from 3 – 4:30PM. Proposals must be received by the City of Rochester no later than 12PM on…
Virtual Housing Conference – Save the Date
The Virtual12th Annual Housing and Special Needs Population Conference will be held November 12th and 13th. Follow link to the Save the Date flyer. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Virtual-HSNP-2020-Save-Date.pdf