ECHO Care Management – Working with the Housing Deprived
The 8/19/20 ECHO Case Management Session is “Working WITH the Housing Deprived. Andy Carey, MSW and Co – Founder of MC Collaborative and Co – Chair of REACH Advocacy will present. Please follow link to get more info on ECHO and the Zoom link for the session. Contact Courtney Caldwell at ccaldwell@hutherdoyle.com with any questions.…
Free Training
Finger Lakes Performing Provider System (FLPPS) has partnered with Eleversity, the training division of Heritage Christian Services, to host multiple live webinars from August to December. Focus of trainings will be shifting requirements for non-profit organizations due to COVID-19. Sessions will begin August 19th and registration is now open. For more information, follow link. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Finger-Lakes-Performing-Provider-System.docx
VOA Child Care and Pre-K Services Has Re-opened
The Volunteers of America (VOA) Children’s Center has re-opened to help meet the need for child care now that parents/guardians are returning to work. The VOA is also enrolling children in our Pre-K programs. Follow link to flyers for more information! https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/0168_001.pdf
Sojourner Home – Transitional Housing Program Has Closed
Sojourner Home has realigned and is partnering with the YWCA to continue is mission to serve women and families in crisis. As part of the realignment the transitional housing program located on Millbank Street has closed its doors. Any referrals you might have in the future should be directed to “211” or MCDSH Emergency Housing.…
2020 Point in Time Report
The 2020 Point in Time (PIT) Report has been submitted to HUD and is now available on the Partners Ending Homelessness website for your future reference. PIT Report
NYS Homes and Community Renewal – COVID Rent Relief Program
The COVID Rent Relief Program assists low-income households experiencing an increase in their rent burden due to a loss of income during the COVID crisit by providing a one-time payment covering the increased rent burden for one to four months. The application process opened 7/16/2020 and will remain open for two weeks. See attached flyer…
Eviction Prevention Talking Points and Resources – Update
Eviction Prevention Talking Points and Resources have been updated. we’re all in this together, and it’s critical that we encourage everyone (landlords, tenants & providers) to work within their rights & responsibilities to maximize housing security & quality for everyone. That means holding the folks (landlords AND tenants) who are acting in bad faith accountable,…
Housing Resource Matrix – Public Funding
At the request of the County, CCSI and the United Way crafted a matrix of the various public funding resources for Housing Activities and Services. Matrix is attached. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/final-Coordinated-Public-Funding-Resource-Matrix-6.7.20.pdf
Social Security Is Here To Help!
Social Security remains committed to providing uninterrupted benefits and vital services the public relies on, especially during the current coronavirus pandemic. Social Security remains ready and able to help by phone or on-line with most Social Security matters. Attached is further contact information. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/SS-Info.pdf
Census 2020: Current Response Rates
A new tool available at RocHealthData allows mapping of tract-level participation rates from the current census, either for our local region or for any location in the United States. Data as of July 10th show many rural and urban tracts in our area have comparatively low participation rates. Please click the following link. (https://rochealthdata.org/2020/07/15/census-2020-current-response-rates-by-census-tract-now-available/) for…