Project Homeless Connect
Project Homeless Connect is seeking two chair positions for the day long event coming up this Fall! Or, if you cannot chair, they also need volunteers for these two committees, food and transportation. Food – which is being sure that the consumers at the event have snacks, lunch etc. Transportation – which is being sure…
“History of Segregation and Racist Policy in Greater Rochester”
“No City Hates Its Landlords Like Berlin Does”
HSN Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, February 19th, 9am, St. Mary’s Hospital. Hope to see you there!
CBO Consortium of Upstate NY
The CBO Consortium of Upstate New York would like to extend an invitation to your organization to become part of the Consortium and take advantage of some of the resouces that the Consortium has to offer. The mission of the Consortium is to identify and engage community-based organizations that are uniquely positioned to address social…
My name is Krystal Morin and I am a singer and member of the leadership team of VOICES 21C, a Boston-based chamber choir. Our choir is traveling to Rochester, NY for the upcoming American Choral Director’s Association Conference from March 3-7, 2020. We are looking for organizations that we might be able to engage with…
Save the Date Human Services Conference
10th Annual Health and Human Service Conference Tuesday, March 31st 2020 See attached flyer File Upload https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Save-The-Date-March-31st.pdf
Partners Ending Homelessness is Hiring
Partners Ending Homelessness is hiring for a new position; Manager of Data and Internal Capacity Building. The job description is attached. If you are interested in applying please email resume to: Connie Sanderson, csanderson@letsendhomelessness.org. Manager of Data and Internal Capacity Building Job Description
Homeless Memorial
Health Reach has scheduled the annual Homeless Memorial for 12/19/19 from 11am – 1:30pm at St. Mary’s, 89 Genesee Street. This annual event is a memorial service for homeless/formerly homeless persons in our community who have passed away. See below link for directions: https://goo.gl/maps/EKFuNSDhDmFT1FGm8
What is new for 2020?
A community meeting of all of our partners receiving HUD Funding was held on November 21st. Items discussed included: Local application process for HUD renewal projects will begin in February Timeline for annual monitoring by PEH has changed. Monitoring visit will be scheduled shortly after your APR has been submitted to HUD for the current…