Category: HSN Meetings


  • Huther Doyle Health Home Update – COVID-19

    Huther Doyle Health Homes Letter – COVID-19

  • HSN Meeting Minutes 3.18.2020

    The March HSN meeting was the coonference call with the Dept. of Health providing information on the COVID-19 Virus. Please see attached document for the minutes.

  • HSN Meeting March 18th 2020 @9am – via Conference Call

    Due to the restrictions on large group meetings, the HSN meeting will be conducted via conference call rather than in person. Dr. Michael Mendoza will be speaking to us regarding the coronavirus. The call in number is: 585-753-6999 ID# is 0168780 Extension: 36999   Thank you!    

  • Infectious Disease Preparedness for Homeless Assistance Providers

    There have been a multitude of information coming out on the Corona virus. HUD and CDC has released the power point presentation from a recent webinar. It is important for homeless providers to work with their local and state health departments. Providers need to plan for keeping their facilities open; staffing plans, etc. There will…

  • HSN Monthly Meeting

    Wednesday, February 19th, 9am, St. Mary’s Hospital. Hope to see you there!

  • HSN Advocacy Committee

    Reminder, the committee is meeting Thursday, January 23rd at 8:30am at Voters Block Community Room, directly behind the 1872 Cafe, 431 West Main Street. Hope to see you there. HSN Agenda_02_2020

  • Fairport Section 8 Waiting List

    The Fairport Section 8 Waiting List is going to be opening on January 3, 2020. Attached is a flyer that provides more information on the application process. Complete and submit the application as soon as possible; the waiting list will close when the number of households that can be served in a two year period…

  • Free Flu and Hepatitis A. Vaccine Clinic

    Article Content The number of Hepatitis A Virus (HAC) cases have increased 235% from January to November 2019 in NYS outside of NYC. Risk factors reported by NYS cases during this outbreak include non-injection and injection drug use, unstable housing/homelessness, current or recent incarceration, and men having sex with men. See attached flyer for information…

  • 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice

    The City of Rochester is initiating the preparation of its 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. As an important community stakeholder in Rochester, we are seeking your participation in a series of workshops scheduled for January 21-22.

  • Job Corps Information

    Article Content At the December HSN meeting, Olga Milevich gave a presentation on the Iroquois Job Corps which provides residential education and employment services. Attached you will find a flyer with information on the weekly Job Corps Informational Sessions held at Rochester Works. For more info contact Olga Milevich –
