The primary responsibilities of the Coordinated Entry Oversight Committee are to:
- Develop the policies and procedures that ensure the Coordinated Entry process operates in accordance with the standards as designed by the community around the system’s core elements: Access, Assessment, Prioritization, and Referral
- Review system data and metrics to identify gaps and barriers and recommend adjustments accordingly
- Focuses on monitoring operations and reviewing and recommending policy additions and changes
- Establish and oversee policies that allow the Coordinated Entry process to operate in accordance with the CE planning group’s decisions related to the core elements
Oversight Committee Responsibilities (PDF)
Name | Agency | Program Type / Sub-Population |
Kim Martin | CCSI | CE Lead |
Connie Sanderson | Partners Ending Homelessness | CE Co-Chair / CoC |
Leanne Andre | YWCA | Shelter Provider |
Joy Bronson | Willow Domestic Violence | Domestic Violence |
Kim Buyers | House of Mercy | Non-DHS Shelter |
Andy Carey | MC Collaborative | Community partner (Health Home Care Management Agency) |
Kristin Clarke | Providence Housing | PSH |
Tree Clemonds | Providence Housing | PSH, Shelter Provider |
Nick Coulter | PCHO | Street Outreach |
Wendy Dettmer | VOA | PSH |
Pierre Dorancy | RHA | PSH |
John Lightfoot, Sr. | Monroe County-Planning and Development | ESG / County |
Carolyn Keyser | Partners Ending Homelessness | HMIS |
Heidi Markham | Partners Ending Homelessness | CoC / Prioritization Coordinator |
Sarah McKnight, LMSW | Department of Veterans Affairs | Veterans |
Becky Miglioratti | Monroe County Department of Human Services | DHS |
John Oster | City of Rochester – Neighborhood & Business Development | ESG / City |
Chanh Quach | Monroe County – Planning & Development | ESG / County |
Josh Ramos | CCSI | Landlord Recruitment and Engagement |
Cheri Reed-Watt | Monroe County OMH | Community partner |
Lyanetta Rivera | Family Promise | Emergency Shelter (ESG) |
Lisa Schulz | PCHO | Street Outreach |
Pam Smith | Project Haven | Emergency Shelter (non-DHS) |
Guillermo Torres | Providence Housing | Shelter Provider |
Valerie Douglas | Center for Youth | Transition Age Youth, Youth |
Sara Volz-Rogers | TogetherNow, United Way | Community Partner |
Landlord Engagement Sub-Committee
- Develop strategies to effectively engage landlords at the community level and coordinate available units across programs to house people more quickly
- Potentially work towards implementation of landlord database for housing providers
- Initial focus would be on identifying Permanent Supportive Housing units
Diversion/Problem-Solving Sub-Committee
- Identifying strategies and techniques that can help reduce the inflow onto the Coordinated Entry Prioritization List
- Develop training curriculum to incorporate problem-solving into the process, especially at emergency shelters
Dynamic Prioritization
- Develop strategies to address the lengthy Prioritization List that exceeds the available capacity of permanent housing
- Review the ways in which persons are prioritized and make adjustments to ensure those with the highest needs truly have quicker access to permanent housing

CCSI is responsible for facilitating the development and implementation of the Coordinated Entry system in Monroe County. Coordinated Entry is funded by the Emergency Solutions Grant Program through the City of Rochester Department of Neighborhood and Business Development, the Monroe County Department of Community Development, and by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development Continuum of Care Program.
For more information, please contact:
Kim Martin | Homeless Services Manager
Coordinated Care Services, Inc.
(585) 613-7606 |