Employment Opportunities – Center for Youth Services


The Center for Youth has several positions open for those interested in serving young people in our community: 

Rapid Rehousing Coordinator– leading a team that assists young people ages 18-25 in obtaining and maintaining permanent housing.
Safe Harbor Advocate – working with youth/young adults ages 12 – 21 who have experienced human trafficking or who are at high-risk of being targeted by traffickers.
Arnett House Case Manager – supporting LGBTQ+ and/or young people ages 16-24 who have experienced human trafficking in an independent group living environment.
Relief, per diem staff for all residential programs, including a maternity group home and emergency shelter.

The job descriptions are attached: You can apply on Indeed or send resumes to resumes@centerforyouth.net.

Any questions about the positions can be emailed to: vdouglas@centerforyouth.net

