Excellus – Community Program Engagement Manager


Michael Manioci is the new Community Program Engagement Manager for Excellus. His role is work and partner with agencies like you, to create enrollment opportunities and health insurance awareness for the people that you serve. We assist clients under the age of 65 with low-cost plans such as Medicaid (Blue Choice Option), Essential Plan, Child Health Plus & Qualified Health Plans, with the overall goal to get everyone covered.
The ways we collaborate with organizations include (and are not limited to):
• Provide material pertaining to our plans to distribute to individuals
• Set up and attend events to distribute information and answer questions
• Host virtual seminars targeted to the specific audience we are presenting to
• Enroll individuals onsite or set-up a referral process if you encounter someone that needs health insurance

If you have participants with no health insurance, have questions about their coverage or want to change plans contact Mike at michael.manioci@excellus.com . Attached is a Permission to Contact Form
