FY 2022 CoC Program and Supplemental NOFO – New Project Application Workshop


The HUD FY 2022 CoC Program NOFO has just been released with a due date of September 30th. The amount of time to complete has been reduced by 30 days, so we are going to have a very aggressive timeline to submit the application with all deadlines met. The new Supplemental NOFO (focus is on unsheltered homeless) is due October 20th. The New Project Application workshop will provide all the required information for both funding opportunities. Please make every effort to attend this workshop if you are interested in applying for a new project.

CoC Funding NOFO is encouraging new projects that propose partnerships with Healthcare providers or projects that partner with housing providers who provide the rental subsidy with sources other than CoC or ESG funding. The Supplemental NOFO focuses on the Unsheltered Homeless and also encourages partnerships with Healthcare and Housing partners.

The workshop will be held virtually via Zoom. Please contact Charles Bollinger – cbollinger@letsendhomelessness.org if you would like the link to the Zoom meeting.