Housing Opportunity for Persons with Developmental Disabilities – IBERO


IBERO currently has several one bedroom units available. The eligibility qualifiers is below:
• A psychological report which includes an assessment of intellectual functioning (“IQ test”). This report
should include all summary scores from the assessment (Full Scale, Index, Part and Subtest scores).
For people with IQ scores above 60, an interpretive report of a standardized assessment of adaptive
behavior, including summary, composite, scale, and domain scores, is required. For people with IQ
scores below 60,an adaptive assessment may be based on an interpretive report using information
gathered from interviews with caregivers, records review, and direct observations.
• For conditions other than Intellectual Disability, a medical or specialty report that includes health status
and diagnostic findings to support the diagnosis. If available, a recent general medical report should
be included in all eligibility requests.
• A social/developmental history, psychosocial report or other report that shows that the person became
disabled before age 22. This is required for all eligibility requests.

Contact Jenna Watts: jwatts@iberodevelopment.org or 585-467-6410 x24