HUD CoC Program NOFO Released


HUD has released the FY2021 CoC Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and it is due November 16th. For Monroe County, the maximum funding that can be applied for is $15,255,883. This amount includes $12,850,453 for renewal projects, $385,514 for the CoC planning grant, and the potential for $642,453 in Bonus Projects and $1,377,393 for DV Bonus projects. The local process for accepting new project applications is beginning. Initial information has been sent out and materials are posted on the PEH website, There will be a New Project Applicant Workshop held on 9/30/2021 from 1pm – 2:30pm via Zoom. Please see the attached Announcement of the Local Application Process and a summary of the FY2021 NOFO. If you are considering applying for funding, we encourage you to go to the PEH website and view the other materials available at this time.