Mandatory Coordinated Entry Training


There will be a mandatory Coordinated Entry training via Zoom on Wednesday, February 24 from 2-3:30 PM. • Do you serve, in any capacity, persons or households experiencing homelessness? •Do you refer people to the Coordinated Entry Prioritization List? •Do you want to better understand the roles and responsibilities for programs working with persons on the Prioritization List? •Are you a Permanent Supportive Housing or Rapid Re-Housing case manager?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, this is a mandatory training. Attendance will be tracked, and completion of this training is required to refer households to the Coordinated Entry Prioritization List. Topics to be discussed include: • Coordinated Entry overview • Referring a household to the Prioritization List • Roles & Responsibilities of providers • Prioritization standards • Permanent housing referral process • Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Re-Housing overviews • Q & A

Please see attached flyer and feel free to reach out to Ryan McIntosh, with any questions.