Connecting the Dots Through the Lens of Equity – Health and Human Services Conference
Positive Steps is presenting a cost-effective training opportunity, “Connecting the Dots Through the Lens of Equity” – Annual Health & Human Service Conference:Tuesday, March 28, 2023RIT Inn & Conference Center5257 West Henrietta RoadHenrietta, NY 14467 This year’s theme: “Connecting the Dots Through the Lens of Equity” will challenge us to “prioritize and demonstrate our collective…
Systems Performance Report
Partners Ending Homelessness (PEH) has recently submitted the FY2022 Systems Performance Report to HUD. This is one of the four required reports that PEH submits to HUD annually and reflects how our overall homeless system is performing on seven measures and data quality. We are currently working to prepare the Housing Inventory Chart and Point…
Training – “Intro to Low-Barrier Housing Services”
The Homeless Alliance of Western NY (Buffalo/Erie CoC) and the Housing First University, a program of Pathways to Housing PA is presenting a virtual training, “Intro to Low-Barrier Housing Services” on Thursday March 30th from 2:30pm – 4pm via Zoom. Attendees will learn about the philosophy and guiding principles behind low-barrier housing and compare success…
Employment Opportunities – Salvation Army
The Salvation Army is currently hiring for two positions: Case Manager at Hope House, an emergency housing program for women and a Program Manager at Booth Haven/Safe Haven, emergency housing for men. For more details on the positions please review the attached job descriptions. Interested applicants should apply via the Salvation Army website: https://rochesterny.salvationarmy.org/ Once…
Employment Opportunity – Spiritus Christi Prison Outreach
Spiritus Christi Prison Outreach (SCPO) is a standout organization that believes in the inherent goodness of every person, and the impact that a sense of belonging can have. We envision a safe, healthy, and equitable community with abundant opportunities for all. We empower individuals who are justice-involved and homeless by providing stable housing, life skills,…
HOME-ARP Funding: Non-Congregate Shelter
A HOME-ARP Funding for Non-Congregate Shelter presentation at the February Homeless Services Network (HSN) meeting. The presentation reviewed the materials presented at an in person community meeting held in December, 2022 for those who were unable to attend that session. The intent of the presentations is to get feedback from the community on the development/design…
Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) 2023-24 RFP
The City of Rochester and Monroe County seek applications from qualified not-for-profit providers to participate in a comprehensive community service delivery program intended to ameliorate homelessness. Funding is available from the City’s and County’s ESG 2023-24 allocations. This RFP is based upon joint planning by the City, County, and Partners Ending Homelessness (formerly the Rochester/Monroe…
DHS 101 – Virtual Taining Sessions
DHS 101 is a virtual, interactive presentation that will provide an overview of the rules, regulations and policies for public benefit programs adminstered by MCDHS. This is a free, two day training that will be held March 13th and March 14th via Zoom. You need to register separately for each day, see below for registration…
MC-CII Prototyping Summit
MC-CII is Together Now’s project to redesign the MC Department of Human Services (MCDHS) delivery model. Together Now has held a number of focus groups, interviews, brainstorming sessions, etc. and is now using the information gained to the next step, the Monroe County CII Prototyping Summit that will be held on Friday, March 10th at…
In-Person Narcan Training for Housing and Behavioral Health Providers Monday, March 27th, 3:30 to 5:00 pm
Please see attached flyer for information https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Narcan-Training-Flyer-for-3.27.23.pdf