
  • DHS 101 – Virtual Sessions

    The Monroe County Department of Human Services is a complex agency that may present challenges to those in the community who are working with individuals in need of public benefits and services. Recognizing the potential for difficulties and the value of information, the Financial Assistance Division will be presenting: DHS 101. The two hour training…

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  • Important Information Regarding NYS Eviction and Foreclosure Moratorium Extension

    Governor Hochul has extended the NYS Eviction and Foreclosure Extension through January 15, 2022. Under the new law, all protections of the Tenant Safe Harbor Act for residential tenants who are suffering financial hardship as a result of the pandemic will remain in place, along with new protections on commercial evictions. Please encourage any households…

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  • ROC The Block – Community Employment Fair

    The final ROC THE BLOCK COMMUNITY EMPLOYMENT FAIR for the summer is scheduled for Thursday, September 9th from 1pm – 5pm. Location – Grand Avenue Park, 250 Grand Avenue. ROC the Block is a new community based hiring initiative that brings businesses and recruiters to each of the city’s four quadrants throughout the summer. With…

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  • Expiration of Unemployment and Pandemic Benefits

    Several federal unemployment benefit programs will expire across the country on September 5, 2021. These include Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, Extended Benefits and $300 Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation. To be considered eligible for Unemployment Insurance after September 5, 2021, a claimant must be unemployed AND be in the first 26 weeks (or…

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  • YWCA Job Opportunities

    The YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County are looking to fill Case Manager positions in our Long Term Affordable Housing Program and Per Diem Positions in our Emergency Housing Department. If you/your family or friends are looking for full our part time work the YWCA would love to hear from you. Please visit our website…

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  • HUD CoC Program NOFO Released

    HUD has released the FY2021 CoC Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and it is due November 16th. For Monroe County, the maximum funding that can be applied for is $15,255,883. This amount includes $12,850,453 for renewal projects, $385,514 for the CoC planning grant, and the potential for $642,453 in Bonus Projects and $1,377,393 for…

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  • Homelessness Prompts large P3s Throughout America

    Almost every municipality is struggling with decisions about homeless populations. The cost to resolve or reverse the problem will be incredibly high and there is little guidance for public officials. The problem is likely to result in some of the largest public-private partnership (P3) initiatives in this century. Looking at what is already happening and…

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  • August Homeless Services Network Meeting Cancelled

    The August Homeless Services Network Meeting (HSN) has been cancelled. The HSN Steering Committee met last week for its annual Planning Meeting and we hope to have some exciting presentations and discussions lined up for 2021-22. Meetings will resume on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8:30AM beginning in September.  

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  • You and Your Benefits

    LAWNY, Action for A Better Community, RMAPI, CASH and The Legal Aid Society are sponsoring “You and Your Benefits” a virtual series of workshops on understanding how increased wages from employment impact your benefits. Sessions are held on Fridays from 12Noon – 12:45PM. Please see attached flyer for further information, dates, times and registration link.…

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  • Upcoming Events at Cameron Community Ministries

    As you are aware, COVID is not letting go anytime in the near future. However, the more informed people are the better the chance they will receive the vaccine so we can pass these altering times. Hence, there are a few upcoming COVID vaccine (-related) events this month. Events include: A Dialogue on Vaccine Safety,…

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