Community Priorities for Homeless System – Thank You!
THANK YOU! Partners Ending Homelessness and the Homeless Services Network want to thank all of you who took the time to complete the Community Priorities survey and who participated in the Homeless Services Network (HSN) discussion groups to have more in depth conversations in determining community priorities. We will be putting together the notes from…
Feedback on MH, SUD, I/DD Services in Monroe County
Hello Monroe County Partners, This is OMH yearly outreach to get feedback about how services are going for people in the mental health, substance use, and/or intellectual and developmental disability systems in Monroe County to help with planning for future services. See LINK below! Please forward this email to: • People who have experience getting…
Survey for Community Priorities
The May Homeless Services Network (HSN) meeting that will be Wednesday, May 19th at 8:30AM will be primarily dedicated to determining Community Priorities for the homeless system. Below you will find a link to a Survey Monkey poll to collect some basic information on where the largest needs are in the homeless system. It is…
Coordinated Care Services, Inc is hiring for their Rapid Rehousing Program
Coordinated Care Services is hiring for a Housing Placement Facilitator for their Rapid Rehousing Program. Please Refer to the attached document for more information and how to apply. Contact Kim Martin at kmartin@ccsi.org with any questions. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Position-Description-FT-Housing-Placement-Facilitator_April-2021.pdf
You Are Invited to the Shelter Task Force Community Webinar!
We hope you can join us for a community webinar to highlight the accomplishments of the Shelter Task Force that was convened in March 2020 to address the needs of emergency shelter residents and staff during COVID-19. The Zoom info can be found below or on the attached document. Zoom Info Link: https://ccsi.zoom.us/j/97499927167?pwd=TXdCeGxoTER0czFHSklNSFlQamYvQT09 Passcode: 271321…
Emergency Broadband Benefit
“Families in every corner of the country have been struggling to get online throughout this pandemic. For those families, we now say help is around the corner. In less than two weeks, we will have a new way for disconnected Americans to access the internet to carry out their day-to-day life, so they can reach…
2021 Point in Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory Chart (HIC) Reports
The Point in Time Count (PIT) and Housing Inventory Chart (HIC) are two reports that are submitted to HUD annually. Data used for the reports is collected on one day during the last ten days of January each year. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are reflected for the first time in the 2021 reports…
Skyview Park – Applications Being Accepted
Skyview Park is a new affordable housing program for Persons who are 55 years of age + scheduled to open later this year. 78 of the total 157 units are for the Frail Elderly, persons who are need of support with daily living. These units have ESSHI funding which are targeted to people who are…
WIC Mobile Market
Cameron was recently awarded Foodlink’s Curbside Market WIC Mobile pilot program, which we hope to begin Saturday, May 15 in our Teen Center parking lot. This will be the only site on this side of Rochester where the mobile market will have the capability to accept WIC. But, before we start the new program, we…
Excellus – Community Program Engagement Manager
Michael Manioci is the new Community Program Engagement Manager for Excellus. His role is work and partner with agencies like you, to create enrollment opportunities and health insurance awareness for the people that you serve. We assist clients under the age of 65 with low-cost plans such as Medicaid (Blue Choice Option), Essential Plan, Child…