Coordinated Entry Training Recording
Thank you to all who were able to attend our Coordinated Entry training on February 24, 2021. We hope you found the information helpful. As noted, this training is mandatory for anyone who refers people to the Prioritization List or receives referrals from the List. Below is the link for the recording and transcript of…
Affordable Housing Pilot Program
As The Housing Council at PathStone celebrates its 50th year of service to our community, we are pleased to announce our newest partnership with The County of Monroe and PathStone Corporation. We invite you to learn how this project will seek to increase diversity and inclusion in affordable housing developments within suburban Monroe County. Please…
Veteran COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic
The Veterans Administration and the Veterans Outreach Center are teaming up to get VA eligible homeless veterans vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (one dose vaccine). This will be a one stop event that will assist Veterans with enrollment for VA benefits, vaccinations and multiple opportunities available through both organizations. The event is scheduled…
Veterans Outreach Center – Per Diem Residential Staff Needed
The Veterans Outreach Center is looking for per diem weekend residential support staff to monitor and support their residents. If you are interested please go to their website for more information on the position and how to apply. https://veteransoutreachcenter.org/careers
FY 2020 System Performance Measures
Partners Ending Homeless has recently submitted the FY 2020 Systems Measurement Report to HUD. The report is prepared using HMIS data for the time period of October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020. This is one of the required data reports that are submitted annually to HUD. Performance measures include: Length of Time Persons Remain…
Save the Date: 3/31/2021 – Webinar – Services Provided by Non Profit Legal Services Agencies
Join us for a Zoom event and hear from Monroe County legal service agency staff from Legal Assistance of Western NY, The Legal Aid Society, Volunteer Legal Services Project, Empire Justice, Disability Rights New York and LawHelpNY. Presentations will include Family Law, Education Law, Housing, Immigration, Employment and Unemployment, Public Benefits and more! For questions…
Need Cribs or Bunk Beds?
Spriritus Christi Prison Outreach has an abundance of bunk beds and cribs that they would like to donate to any community partners that are in need of these items. If you are interested please contact Sarah Lee at Jennifer House, by phone at 585-288-1074 or by email at slee@spirituschristipo.org
DHS 101 Training
Monroe County DHS has scheduled a DHS 101 Training for March 11th and 12th. MCDHS is a complex agency that may present challenges to those in the community who are working with individuals in need of public benefits and services. After attending the sessions, community partners will have a greater understanding of DHS Financial Assistance…
Chronic Homeless Workgroup
The Chronic Homeless Workgroup has changed its regular meeting time to the second Fridays of the month, 11am – 12N. Next scheduled meeting is March 12, 2021. Currently, they are held via Zoom. The Zoom meeting link and call in numbers are as follows: https://zoom.us/j/97798674589?pwd=bGwvci9ZZFMyT053UmNYT2dobGhndz09 ID: 97798674589 Passcode: 943975 Join by Phone – 1-929-205-6099 Passcode:…
RFP – Emergency Solutions Grants 2021-22 and ESG-CV
The City of Rochester and Monroe County seek applications from qualified not-for-profit providers to participate in a comprehensive community service delivery program intended to ameliorate homelessness, and to address the particular issues that the COVID-19 pandemic has created in our community. Funding is available from the City’s and County’s ESG 2021-22 and ESG-CV allocations. This…