Training – Fleeing Domestic Violence and Trauma
Willow Domestic Violence Center is presenting a free training on Trauma and Fleeing Domestic Violence on Wednesday December 2, 2020 from 10am – 11:30am. Training will be virtual via a Zoom meeting. Contact Stefanie DeBellis with any questions at stefanied@willowcenterny.org The Zoom link is: https://zoom.us/j/97102209435?pwd=REFpVEpEbWN1YXNMd01aN2RHcldNUT09 Meeting ID: 971 0220 9435 Passcode: 692530
Updated Coordinated Entry – Prioritization List Application
The Coordinated Entry Prioritization List Application has been updated. Households meeting the Category 4 definition of homelessness, fleeing/attempting to flee DV, are now able to be prioritized for Rapid Re-Housing. The updated version is now available on the Partners Ending Homelessness website on the Coordinated Entry page; https://letsendhomelessness.org/coordinated-entry/. For further information or questions contact: Heidi…
HHAP Shelter Repair Grant Application
NYS OTDA has released a much shorter and simpler HHAP Shelter Repair Application. Funding is limited to proprosals that will undertake improvements that are critical to the health and safety of shelter residents and/or assist the shelter with any non-compliance issues. Maximum request is $100,000. This is a potential resource if a shelter needs to…
NYS Congregate Shelter Guidance
NYS OTDA has released Congregate Shelter Guidance regarding the COVID-19 publich health emergency for congregate shelters that provide emergency housing as risk is higher in settings where people are in close proximity to each other. Some of these recommendations could be adapted for supportive housing programs or non-congregate shelters. Follow link to the Guidance document…
12th Annual Housing & Supportive Services Conference
The 12th Annual Housing & Supportive Services Conference will be virtual via Zoom on November 12-13, 2020 from 9AM – 12 Noon. The Early Bird registration discount has been extended until 10/30/2020. The conference will offer discussions and workshops that feature speakers with diverse expertise in areas of housing, healthcare and supportive services. Follow link…
Housing & Supportive Services Conference – Virtual – November 12-13
This year’s theme, Housing, Healthcare & Humanity: Promoting Equity, Addressing Disparities, Expecting Change, will offer deliberate discussions and workshops that feature speakers with diverse expertise in the areas of housing, healthcare and support services to prompt challenging conversations, offer new ideas, best practices, and expect change. We must view this year and current time as…
21 Day Racial Equity Challenge: October 23 – November 20
This initiative is a powerful opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of how inequity and racism affect our lives and community. The initiative provides self-directed learning via daily emails that provide 10 -15 minutes worth of content, links to materials and resources for reflection and education. Topics will include: Understanding Bias, Levels of Racism, Housing…
COVID-19 Testing and Flu Shots
The flu season is quickly approaching and there is concern regarding a potential uptick in COVID-19 cases. It is crucial that as many people as possible receive flu shots to reduce the utilization of health care services as much as possible to be prepared for the potential COVID surge. Free COVID-19 Testing and Flu Shots…
Foodlink Pilot Program – Free Produce Provided Weekly
Foodlink is starting a new program in their Curbside Markets. Each week you will be able to pick up a box of pre-packed fruits and vegetables from local and regional farms. These boxes normally priced at $10 will be available at no cost. Contact Florence Givens at Foodlink, 721-3589 for information on how to sign…
Single Rooms for rent at the YWCA
The YWCA has a number of Single rooms for rent. Please see the flyer for details or if you have any questions please fell free to reach out to Maria Sharp 368-2252 or Phyllis McElligott at 368-2230. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Flyer-YWCA-Apartments-Now-Renting-word.docx