NYS Homes and Community Renewal – COVID Rent Relief Program
The COVID Rent Relief Program assists low-income households experiencing an increase in their rent burden due to a loss of income during the COVID crisit by providing a one-time payment covering the increased rent burden for one to four months. The application process opened 7/16/2020 and will remain open for two weeks. See attached flyer…
Eviction Prevention Talking Points and Resources – Update
Eviction Prevention Talking Points and Resources have been updated. we’re all in this together, and it’s critical that we encourage everyone (landlords, tenants & providers) to work within their rights & responsibilities to maximize housing security & quality for everyone. That means holding the folks (landlords AND tenants) who are acting in bad faith accountable,…
Housing Resource Matrix – Public Funding
At the request of the County, CCSI and the United Way crafted a matrix of the various public funding resources for Housing Activities and Services. Matrix is attached. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/final-Coordinated-Public-Funding-Resource-Matrix-6.7.20.pdf
Social Security Is Here To Help!
Social Security remains committed to providing uninterrupted benefits and vital services the public relies on, especially during the current coronavirus pandemic. Social Security remains ready and able to help by phone or on-line with most Social Security matters. Attached is further contact information. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/SS-Info.pdf
Census 2020: Current Response Rates
A new tool available at RocHealthData allows mapping of tract-level participation rates from the current census, either for our local region or for any location in the United States. Data as of July 10th show many rural and urban tracts in our area have comparatively low participation rates. Please click the following link. (https://rochealthdata.org/2020/07/15/census-2020-current-response-rates-by-census-tract-now-available/) for…
Employment Opportunity at Partners Ending Homelessness
Partners Ending Homelessness is hiring for a new postion, Manager of Compliance and Capacity Building. The primary responsibilities will be using data to provide both program and system level reports and to build the internal capacity of our organization so we are better able to address homelessness in our community. Follow the link to the…
US Census Mobilie Response Initiative
The US Census Bureau is implementing new technology to increase the locations where people can complete their 2020 Census forms. US Census representatives will come to your location to provide additional information on becoming a Mobile Response Initiative site. Follow link for addtional information. To schedule an event contact: Jesus.Paesch@2020census.gov or call 716-861-1075. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Census-Article.docx
Wilson Commencement Park & Destiny at PathStone
Wilson Commencement Park and Destiny at PathStone: Where Families Master New Skills of Self-Sufficiency for a Lifetime. Please see the attachment for what our programs offer as well as contact information for the staff. Thank You! https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/WCP-DESTINY-INFORMATION-1.pdf
Training Opportunity – Domestic Violence 101
Learn about the basics of domestic violence and how you can support survivors of domestic violence in your programs. August 5, 2020 10am – 11:30am Training us free and will be presented via Zoom! Flyer with further info and link to the Zoom meeting is attached. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Domestic-Violence-101-for-providers-flyer.docx
Women of Color Virtual Summit
The theme of this year’s event is Couragous Conversations. The Summit will be a four week educational series on July 23, July 30, August 6 and August 13. all sessions will be held from 9:30 am – 12 Noon via the Zoom platform. Attached you will find additional information and links to the registration materials.…