Health and Human Service Conference – 7.10,2020
Don’t miss the 10th Annual Health and Human Service Conference that will be offered virtually. This is the second day of two day event. Registration information is attached. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Human-Service-Conference.docx
Employment Opportunity
Bethany House an emergency shelter for women has opening for a Director and for a Live-In Staff position. Click on link to view job descriptions. If you are interested in applying for the positions please contact Sister Donna Del Santo at ddelsanto@ssjrochester.org https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/0157_001.pdf
Employment Opportunity – Veterans Outreach Center
The Veterans Outeach Center is hiring for a new postion – Sucide Prevention Coordinator. Please click on this link to view the job description: https://veteransoutreachcenter.org/careers To apply, please send resume, cover letter and salary requirements to : Job.Posting@vocroc.org
Preparation for Community Gatherings Guidance
Representatives from the Shelter Task Force in collaboration with other community providers developed protocols for agencies to follow in the event that large community gatherings occur in close proximity to their site(s). These gatherings may place Staff and Clients at risk of exposure to COVID-19 as well as personal harm. If the agency becomes aware…
Guidance for Shelter Guests & Visitors
A workgroup of shelter representatives has developed specific guidance and protocols to be included in the next version of the COVID-19 Shelter Guidance Manual. The Guidance for outside visitors is for persons who are not employees or guests. The Guidance for guests coming in and out of the shelters promote common practices related to guests…
Shelter Task Force Updates (6.12.20)
The Monroe County Shelter Task Force continues to meet to address concerns and issues related to COVID-19 and the homeless system. The attached document is a summary of activities through 6.12.2020. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Task-Force-Updates-for-Newsletter-6.12.20.pdf
Shelter Task Force Updates (6.5.20)
The Monroe County Shelter Task Force continues to meet to address concerns and issues related to COVID-19 and the homeless system. The attached document is a summary of activities through 6.5.2020. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Task-Force-Updates-for-Newsletter-6.5.20.docx
Eviction Prevention Resource
This resource is a guide for both tenants and landlords to prevent eviction, identify rights and responsibilities, to ensure that correct processes are followed and identifies potential resources to assist with protecting housing. Basic principles: Everyone has Riights and Responsibilities Be resourcesful and take action today Be patient and give grace Click on link to…
Employment Opportunity
PathStone Corporation has two employment opportunities. 1. Real Estate Developer – Rochester, NY 2. Senior Real Estate Developer – Rochester, NY Please post these positions and share them amongst your networks. Please see attached document for job descriptions. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/0150_001.pdf
Make the Census Bureau Work for You and Your Community
When you partner with the U.S. Census Bureau, the nation’s leading provider of quality data about its people and economy, you create opportunities to engage your employees and constituents more deeply in their communities; support the accurate collection, interpretation, and dissemination of data; and learn how to use data to advance your work. The Census…