Project Homeless Connect
Project Homeless Connect is seeking two chair positions for the day long event coming up this Fall! Or, if you cannot chair, they also need volunteers for these two committees, food and transportation. Food – which is being sure that the consumers at the event have snacks, lunch etc. Transportation – which is being sure…
Changes in SNAP Requirements
There have been recent requirements added for SNAP recipients between the ages of 18 and 49 who are able to work. They will now have to complete a 20 hour work requirement. If you are working with people in this age range, please make sure they are aware of these. Attached you will find a…
How to Submit Info for PEH and HSN Newsletter
It is easy to submit an article for the newsletter. Go to the “News” page of our website; www.letsendhomelessness.org. in the bottom right column you will see “Submit an Article”. Complete the template and submit. The text box has limited space so if you want to share a document, flyers, job descriptions, etc. you can…
Infectious Disease Preparedness for Homeless Assistance Providers
There have been a multitude of information coming out on the Corona virus. HUD and CDC has released the power point presentation from a recent webinar. It is important for homeless providers to work with their local and state health departments. Providers need to plan for keeping their facilities open; staffing plans, etc. There will…
Domestic Violence 101 for landlords
Flyer of landlord training https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Domestic-Violence-101-for-Landlords-flyer.docx
10th Annual Health & Human Service Conference
The Art of Engagement-Connecting the Dots” Tuesday, March 31, 2020 See attached document for link to registration materials. For questions or additional information please contact: Cynthia or Lisa at 585-654-9083 or events@taylorjonesenterprises.com https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/The-Art-of-Engagement-3.31.2020.pdf
“No City Hates Its Landlords Like Berlin Does”
HSN Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, February 19th, 9am, St. Mary’s Hospital. Hope to see you there!
Liberty Landing – Application for New Affordable Housing Community
Liberty Landing, located at 185 Scio Street, is a project of the Veterans Outreach Center (VOC) and Conifer Realty. Liberty Landing will have 33 apartments, 10 will be set aside for Veterans with a disabling condition. 23 apartments will have preference for Veterans and secondary preference for families on a Public Housing waitlist. Supportive services…