Save the Date – 2024 Homeless Symposium
The Homeless Services Network (HSN) is excited to announce that the 2024 Homeless Symposium will be held on Friday, June 21st from 8:15AM – 12:30PM at Nazareth University. The theme for this year’s event is “People Helping People – Strategies for Success”. More information will be coming in the next few weeks. Contact Craig Johnson,…
Empire Justice – DHS Application Delays Outreach
The Empire Justice Center is a non-profit law firm dedicated to making the law work for all New Yorkers. The Empire Justice Center is working on a project to address delays in applying for public assistance, SNAP or Medicaid from Monroe County. Have you applied for benefits? If you have applied and did not receive…
Greater Rochester Housing Partnership (GRHP) Presentation
Tim Wildman from the Greater Rochester Housing Partnership (GRHP) gave a presentation at the April 17th Homeless Services Network Meeting on GRHP’s Home Ownership programs. There are three different progams that assist income qualified persons with the purchase of their first home: Buy the Block II, HOME Rochester and Make Monroe Home. The powerpoint from…
Employment Opportunity – Providence Housing – $1,000 Signing Bonus
Providence Housing’s mission is to strengthen families and communities by creating and providing access to quality affordable housing enriched by the availability of supportive services. Providence currently has an opening for a Family Life Coach. The position provides case management services to program participants to maintain the most independent living possible. You can view the…
Survey – Community Perceptions of Partners Ending Homelessness
Causewave Community Partners is partnering with Partners Ending Homelessness to conduct a survey to better understand community percptions and to help us plan for the future. All responses are anonymous; the survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete. We hope to get a wide response to the survey and look forward to your thoughts. You…
Employment Opportunity – Providence Housing
Providence Housing’s mission is to strengthen families and communities by creating and providing access to quality affordable housing enriched by the availability of supportive services. Providence currently has an opening for a Family Life Coach. The position provides case management services to program participants to maintain the most independent living possible. You can view the…
Emergency Food and Shelter Program Funding Available
Monroe County has been chosen to receive funds to supplement emergency food and shelter programs through the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP). The program was created by Congress to help meet the needs of hungry and homeless people throughout the country by allocating federal funds for the provision of food and shelter. The Local…
Marketplace Senior Apartments
Marketplace Senior Apartments is a new affordable housing program located on the site of the former Marketplace Mall that will begin operation later this year. Potential tenants must be moderate to low-income seniors aged 55+. This is a tax-credit project and will be managed by Cornerstone Property Managers, LLC. Amenities include community space, fitness center,…
Employment Opportunities
Connected Communities has two open positions for a Housing and Asset Management Director and an Economic Empowerment Director. The mission of Connected Communities is to partner with Beechwood and EMMA residents to break the cycle of poverty through anti-racist community revitalization and equitable resource coordination. A detailed job description is attached for both positions. Questions…
DHS 101 Training Session – Virtual
MCDHS is a complex agency that may present challenges to those in the community who are working with individuals in need of public benefits and services. These informative session will provide an opportunity to learn aout DHS Financial Assistance Division policies and procedures. Attendees will have a greater understanding of policies and procedures and have…