Marketplace Senior Apartments
Marketplace Senior Apartments is a new affordable housing program located on the site of the former Marketplace Mall that will begin operation later this year. Potential tenants must be moderate to low-income seniors aged 55+. This is a tax-credit project and will be managed by Cornerstone Property Managers, LLC. Amenities include community space, fitness center,…
Employment Opportunities
Connected Communities has two open positions for a Housing and Asset Management Director and an Economic Empowerment Director. The mission of Connected Communities is to partner with Beechwood and EMMA residents to break the cycle of poverty through anti-racist community revitalization and equitable resource coordination. A detailed job description is attached for both positions. Questions…
DHS 101 Training Session – Virtual
MCDHS is a complex agency that may present challenges to those in the community who are working with individuals in need of public benefits and services. These informative session will provide an opportunity to learn aout DHS Financial Assistance Division policies and procedures. Attendees will have a greater understanding of policies and procedures and have…
Certified Recovery Peer Advocate (CRPA) Training
The House of Mercy, Recovery Houses of Rochester and EE Pathways is sponsoring a Certified Recovery Peer Advocate (CRPA) Training. It is being held at the House of Mercy on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 4pm – 8pm. Please see attached flyer. For further information please call 585-546-2580. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/FINAL-CRPA-Flyer_2024.pdf
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) 2024-25 RFP
The City of Rochester and Monroe County have released their joint RFP for Emergency Solutions (ESG) funding for 2024-25. There will be a Bidder’s Information meeting on 3/1/2024 via Teams. Applications must be completed and submitted via email or cloud service by 12Noon on March 25, 2024. Application materials are available for download at http://Attached…
Employment Opportunity
Providence Housing Development has an opening for a Regional Property Manager. This position assists the Director of Asset Management in the management of a portfolio of properties. You will find the job description attached. If you are interested in applying for the position go to the following link: http://completepayroll.evolutionadvancedhr.com/JobApplication.aspx?jobpostingkey=211b9cf5-332e-44c2-b35a-446ad8d1674cto apply on-line. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Regional-Property-Manager.pdf
NYS Advocacy Needed
We are all aware that Rental Cash Assistance grants have not been adjusted in many years in New York State. There are proposed bills that need to be included in the Assembly and Senate One-House Budget Proposal and the final 2025 NYS budget. The proposed bills would increase cash assistance for basic needs, increase home…
First Universalist Church – Breakfast and Concert
The First Universalist Church, the Homeless Outreach Team and Wegmans is sponsoring a free breakfast on Leap Day, Thursday February 29th. Food, friendship and warmth! Coffee, doughnuts, bagels and more!! Housing Info, Clothing, Personal Care items, counseling, restrooms and other supports will be available. Guests are welcome to stay for the Eastman Musical Concert held…
Providence Housing – Looking for Meeting Space
Providence Housing is looking for free space to meet on a monthly basis with their program participants. The space must be able to accomodate 15 people and is needed for one hour per month. Space needs to be located on a major bus line; participants will be getting to the location on their own. Please…
Webinar – How Reasonable Accommodations Can help Unhoused People with Disabilities
How Reasonable Accommodations Can Help Unhoused People with Disabilities12:00 pm – 1:00 pm PT | February 20, 2024 The Americans with Disabilities Act can help unhoused people with disabilities through the “reasonable accommodation” process. Reasonable accommodations are changes, exceptions, or adjustments to a program or service. People with disabilities who are forced to move by…