NYS Landlord Rent Relief


NYS announced $125 million in state funding is being made available to landlords whose tenants have declined to compelte an applicaion or vacated the premises with arrears. Priority will be given to landlords owning small to medium sized properties. Eligible landlords must own units leased at or below 150% of FMR for their location and have documented rent arrears accumulated after 3/1/2020. Up to 12 months of rent arrears can be approved. Landlords that have already accessed funding through the state portal can use their existing account or can create a new account at: https://nysrenthelp.otda.ny.gov/en/Identity/Account/Login More information can be found at

The Monroe County EPPI2 program providing rent arrears is still open and taking new applications from tenants and from landlords whose tenants are willing to participate. Call “211” to begin the process.