NYS Recovery Housing Conference – Registration and Sponsor Information


The New York State Alliance of Recovery Residences (NYSARR) and Opioid Response Network (ORN) are excited to hold our very first Recovery Housing Conference this September! We have spent the past few years building our network of recovery housing allies, supporters, owner/operators, organizations, and community members. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to finally come together in person for 1 day to connect, collaborate, and celebrate what we are doing to help support the recovery community in NYS.

Won’t you join us on Saturday, September 17th, 2022, from 9am-4pm in Johnson City, NY for our gathering? Registration is $35 and includes meals and refreshments. The tentative schedule and registration is attached, and you can register at the link below:


Interested in sponsoring this event? A registration form for sponsors is attached in this email. Please complete it and mail to: NYSARR at 239 Alphonse St, Rochester, NY 14621. Deadline to submit sponsor logos and ads is September 1.

Questions or need additional info? Email info@nysarr.org

Please feel free to share this information with your recovery networks
