“Picking Up the Pieces – Undoing the Collateral Damage of Trauma”


Person Centered Housing Options (PCHO) is holding their annual conference on October 9th and 10th at the RIT Inn and Conferencee Center, 5257 West Henrietta Road. The theme of the this year’s conference is Trauma Informed Care – “Picking Up the Piecess – Undoing the Collateral Damage of Trauma”. The keynote speaker is Tonier Cain and their will be speakers from SHNNY, East House, the Homeless Alliance of Western NY, the Equicenter and more. Registration is $140 and includes continental breakfast, buffet lunch and access to your choice of workshops. Sponsorships and vendor tables are also available. Go to the following link to get conference details and registration information: https://pcho.networkforgood.com/events/71762-picking-up-the-pieces?utm_campaign=dms_email_blast_3504855



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