RFP – Emergency Solutions Grants 2021-22 and ESG-CV


The City of Rochester and Monroe County seek applications from qualified not-for-profit providers to participate in a comprehensive community service delivery program intended to ameliorate homelessness, and to address the particular issues that the COVID-19 pandemic has created in our community. Funding is available from the City’s and County’s ESG 2021-22 and ESG-CV allocations. This RFP is based upon joint planning by the City, County, and Partners’ Ending Homelessness (formerly the Rochester/Monroe County Continuum of Care – CoC). Information can be found in the RFP and Application Materials attached to this email, and these materials will soon be available for download at http://www.cityofrochester.gov/bidandrfp/ and http://www.monroecounty.gov/planning-community.php. Due to current restrictions, hard copies will only be made available by request.

Please follow the instructions in the RFP, and please reach out with any questions.

Date: Friday, March 5th, from 2:00-3:30PM
Location: Remote Meeting – Zoom (follow link for meeting invite, or request invite from John Oster – John.Oster@cityofrochester.gov)

All submittals must be done via email or cloud service. Please direct all questions to:
John B. Oster
585- 746-6475 (cell)

