Skyview Park – Applications Being Accepted


Skyview Park is a new affordable housing program for Persons who are 55 years of age + scheduled to open later this year. 78 of the total 157 units are for the Frail Elderly, persons who are need of support with daily living. These units have ESSHI funding which are targeted to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Applications must be submitted by May 18th, 2021 to be eligible for the lottery that will be held on June 8th, 2021. You can apply:
On-line –

Request an application by email –
Request an application by phone – 585-546-6340 or TDD 1-800-545-1833
Return completed applications to or drop off/mail to 6 Prince Street Rochester, NY 14607. There is a drop slotin the main door of the office.