Systems Integration Project – Gathering Community Input


The Systems Integration Project has been working with community members to draft an aligned community vision of integrated service delivery. We are now ready to gather additional community input.

What is Integrated Service Delivery?
Integrated service delivery is providing services (such as health, education, and human services) in a way that aligns the resources of participating partners to seamlessly address the needs of people in our community. The focus of this model is to deliver services in a person-centered way.

The ultimate vision is to create a community-wide integrated service delivery model that can be piloted, tested, scaled, and sustained.

You are invited to join us by reviewing and sharing your input on the prototypes that have been drafted.

Please choose from any one of these sessions:
• 8:30-10am- Wednesday, September 22nd
• 4-5:30pm- Thursday, September 23rd
• 11am-12:30pm- Tuesday, September 28th
• Noon-1:30pm- Wednesday, September 29th
• 8:30-10am- Friday, October 1st

What to expect:

During an online session, several prototypes will be shared with you. After a short presentation, we will ask for your input by asking questions like:
• What excites you?
• What do you value the most?
• What about the idea resonates with you?
• What would you change?
• How would you improve?

To register for one of these Integrated Service Delivery Model Input Sessions, please sign up at: