VP of Operations and Facilities


YWCA is hiring temporary staff for Code Blue Center. We would like to offer the opportunity to apply. Code Blue Warming Center

The YWCA is looking for staff and volunteers to help oversee Code Blue Warming Center at 35 Ardmore Street starting 12/18/2023. Looking for 8-hour shifts (8am-4pm, 4pm-12am, 12am-8am Sunday through Saturday.

If you are interested in working a temporary position or have friends and family who would like a part time job, please go to www.ywcarochester.org/careers and complete application for Case Aid Seasonal.
We are hoping to do open interviews on Monday 11/27/2023 from 8am-6pm.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Phyllis Lukenbill at 315-830-9885.