20 Hour Homeless Certificate Training


A number of partners have come together to once again offer the FREE twenty (20) hour Certificate Program for people working in housing supportive settings and performing critical functions with persons who are homeless or experiencing significant housing transition. The certificate training is brought to you by the following partners:
• Huther Doyle
• Partners Ending Homelessness
• Project Haven

Sessions are scheduled on Friday mornings from 9am – 11am at CCSI, 1099 Jay Street.

REGISTER EARLY: Email Pamela@projecthavenroc.org or calling Pam Smith at 585-317-3029. Additional questions can be referred to Craig Johnson, 585-314-9999, cjohnson@hutherdoyle.org or Phyllis Lukenbill, 315-830-9885, mplukenbill@ywcarochester.org.
Please review attached flyer for dates and topics of each session.
