Category: Featured


  • City of Rochester Property Portal

    The City of Rochester has recently updated its online tools to review Code Enforcement and habitability issues. “PropInfo” ,, the longstanding simpler property info viewer is still available.The new Civics and Building Blocks tools allow you to view up-to-date data regarding Code Enforcement and habitability issues. Please view the attached document to get more…

  • FY 2023 HUD CoC Program Funding

    With a great sigh of relief, the FY2023 CoC Program Consolidated Application has been submitted to HUD. The total request to HUD was for $15,279,396.The total included:Renewal Projects – $13,642,318New Projects – $954,962CoC Planning Grant – $682,116 Please go to the following link and view the Application and the Project Priority List: If you have…

  • Rochester’s Homeless Outreach Team -Lunch at Nick Tahous

    Rochester’s Homeless Outreach Team is sponsoring Lunch at Nick Tahou Hots on:Thursday, September 28, 202311am – 1pm320 West Main Street(Rain Date: October 5th) Outreach Team members will be there to provide information on housing, health care, addiction treatment, job training and more. Please post the flyer and share this information with the people you serve.…

  • New Affordable Housing Program – Canal Commons

    Rental applications for Canal Commons are now available. Located at 67-89 Canal Street, the project will have 123 affordable units, 70 of which will be Empire State Homeless Housing Initiative (ESSHI) units. The property will have studio, 1 and 2 bedroom units that will include WIFI. Lottery applications will be accepted from September 1 –…

  • MCDHS – Child and Family Services Informational Session

    MCDHS is presenting an informational session on the Child & Family Services Department, C&FS 101. The session will provide an opportunity to learn about its various units and procedures. Topics will include: Adoption, Foster Care, Preventive Services, CPS Investigation, CPS Management, Adult Protective Services and the You Team. The session will be held virtually on…

  • Homeless Certificate Training

    A number of partners are coming together to once again off the FREE twenty (20) hour Certificate Program for people working in supportive housing settings and performing critical functions with people who are homeless or experiencing significant housing transition. The 10 week training will be held at: CCSI1099 Jay Street9am – 11am The training sessions…

  • FY2023 CoC Program Funding – Applicant Workshop for New Project Applications

    The FY2023 CoC Program Funding NOFO was released on July 5th. Partners Ending Homelessness is beginning the local application process for New Project Applications. An Applicant Workshop has been scheduled for July 26th from 11am – 12:30pm via Zoom. Please review the attached announcement for more details on the amount of funding available, eligible projects,…

  • R-Centers – Social-Emotional Health and Wellness Pilot Program

    Mayor Malik D. Evans is inviting Rochester’s youth and families to learn more about the emotional health and wellness support services that are being offered at four City R-Centers. “Rochester’s R-Centers are community treasures that already deliver immense value to city residents,” said Mayor Evans. “And now those services are being enhanced with the availability…

  • HOME-ARP Funding RFP: Non-Congregate Shelter

    Attached are materials for the Monroe County and City of Rochester – HOME-ARP Non-Congregate Shelter (NCS) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and Request for Proposals (RFP). The City and County are releasing this NOFA/RFP to seek out qualified partners to provide additional Non-Congregate Shelter (NCS) units within our community. The HOME-ARP funds can be used…

  • Finger Lakes Digital Inclusion Coalition – Survey

    Causewave is currently working with the Finger Lakes Digital Inclusion Coalition, who is distributing a survey on digital equity in order to help inform significant state funding. I thought PCHO may be in a position to get the survey in front of additional folks who can speak to where digital needs are/aren’t being met in…
