Employment Opportunities – Grace House
Grace House, an emergency shelter for males who have been released from jail/prison and are on parole, has two employment opportunities: Caretaker and Case Manager. Job descriptions for both positions are attached. If you would like further information or have questions please contact: Jim Crowley: 585-750-7261 or at jcmog@ntcc-greece.org https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/0538_001.pdf
“Share the Warmth” – Healthy Mom’s Clothing Closet
Restoration Rochester and the Healthy Mom’s Clothing Closet at Rochester Regional Health are conducting a Winter Clothing Drive. Items needed include infant snowsuits, winter jackets, gloves and mittens, kid’s boots, underwear and socks. Drop off for donations at the St. Mary’s Campus, 89 Genesee Street between 11/15 and 11/19. Please see the attached flyer for…
Homelessness and Housing First
Homelessness and Housing First were the featured topics of a recent episode of John Oliver’s “Last Week Tonight. The half hour show covers the news and current events. The following link will take you to the You Tube video of the episode. https://youtu.be/liptMbjF3EE
Coat Distribution
Central Church of Christ is collecting coats and other winter gear for distribution to the community during the Holiday season. Please view the attached flyer for details on where to drop off donations of new or gently used items. For more information call Clifford A. Florence at 585-325-6043. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/Coat-Drive.docx
Employment Opportunities – Providence Housing Development Corporation
Providence Housing has two full time openings for Family Life Coaches. These positions provide case management to their program participants to maintain the most independent living possible. Interested applicants should go this link: https://providencehousing.org/careers/, and click on Family Life Coach to apply.
Supplemental Heating Utility Assistance
Funding is now available to help low-income households that have fallen behind on their utility bills during COVID-19 pandemic. The arrears supplement is available to households who are eligible for the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and behind in their heating utility bills but do not qualify for the utility assistance offered by NY’s Emergency…
Support for Community Based Organization Staff
Come together with others in your field to share, learn, and support one another! With assistance from United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes and the Farash Foundation, CCSI is offering weekly, facilitated community drop-in support for CBO staff. Attend sessions that work for your schedule, with no ongoing commitment required.See below for…
NYS Landlord Rent Relief
NYS announced $125 million in state funding is being made available to landlords whose tenants have declined to compelte an applicaion or vacated the premises with arrears. Priority will be given to landlords owning small to medium sized properties. Eligible landlords must own units leased at or below 150% of FMR for their location and…
The Housing Council at PathStone – Housing Issues Webinars
Congratulations to The Housing Council who is celebrating their 50 year Anniversary!! As part of their Anniversary celebration, the Housing Council is hosting a series of free webinars on various housing issues. You can register at the links below: Overcoming Barriers to Accessing Housing for Non-English Speakers on Sept. 28th at 9AM – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/overcoming-barriers-to-housing-for-non-english-speakers-tickets-168953766263 The…
Systems Integration Project – Gathering Community Input
The Systems Integration Project has been working with community members to draft an aligned community vision of integrated service delivery. We are now ready to gather additional community input. What is Integrated Service Delivery? Integrated service delivery is providing services (such as health, education, and human services) in a way that aligns the resources of…