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Homeless Services Network (HSN) Perks/Networking Form 2025

The HSN Perks Program offers enhanced benefits to you, including SHNNY updates, access to grant opportunities, Advocacy messaging and support, local and state housing expertise, low-cost or free training and capacity building, as well as an opportunity to offer scholarships to individuals who are unable to pay for the homeless symposium.

Please fill out the form below or Download and fill out the paper version of the perks form.

HSN Perks/Networking Form
The HSN Perks Program offers enhanced benefits to you, including SHNNY updates, access to grant opportunities, Advocacy messaging and support, local and state housing expertise, low-cost or free training and capacity building, as well as an opportunity to offer scholarships to individuals who are unable to pay for the homeless symposium.

HSN PERKS fee IS $20.00 PER YEAR per individual.

Inability to pay should be open to your participation. Are you requesting to wave the fee?
Wave the Membership fee
Working Focus Groups

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