Keeping Families Safe and Healthy – A Guide to Your New Home
The project was made possible through a partnership of the Rochester Refugee Resettlement Services and the City of Rochester. This book, written by Ngo Hna, a refugee. provides the information that you need to maintain a safe and healthy home for you and your family. When Ngo immigrated to the United States, she saw that…
Emergency Rental Assistance Program EPPI 2.0
US Treasury funding is currently available for households with rental arrears related to COVID-19 in Monroe County. Program can pay up to 12 months in rent arrears and up to 3 months rent facing forward for eligible households. Applications can be submitted by the household or by the landlord with the tenant’s consent. Please see…
Webinar – Outreach to Families Who Need the Child Tax Credit
The expanded Child Tax Credit could cut childhood poverty in half. But only families who file with the IRS get the money. HELP FIND THEM!! The stimulus legislation to help the American economy recover from COVID-19 contains newly generous child tax credits. American families will receive • $300/month for children 5 and under and •…
Child Tax Credit Eligibility
The Child Tax Credit was expanded as part of the American Rescue Plan. The total credit has been increased from $2,000 to $3,000 per child 6-17 years old and $3,600 per child 5 and under. Single filers earning $75,000 or less per year in modified adjusted gross income and couples filing jointly earning $150,000 or…
ROC The Block – Community Employment Fairs
ROC The Block is a new community-based hiring initiative that will bring businesses and recruiters to each of the city’s four quadrants throughout the summer. Rochester employers and residents can meet to discover employment opportunities. Refer to the attached flyer for dates and locations. If you have questions, contact Romanda.Gibson-Stevenson@cityofrochester.gov. https://letsendhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/31/0432_001.pdf
Pandemic EBT: Extra Food Assistance for Children
Pandemic-EBT provides additional money to families with school aged children to cover the costs of meals that students would have received at school during the pandemic. Every family in NYS with eligible school-aged chilfen will recieve $420 in food assistance per child. These funds can be used at most supermarkets, corner stores, bodegas and farmers…
Veterans Stand Down
The Veterans Stand Down for all Military Service Veterans is being held on Friday, August 13, 2021 from 10am – 1pm. It is being held at the City of Rochester Public Market 280 North Union Street 14609. On site services offered: Veterans Benefits, Housing, Social Security, Employment, Health Care, Public Assistance, VA Eligibility, Senior Services,…
New Housing Opportunity
Trillium Health is taking applications for their new Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) affordable housing project (21 units) for members of the community who are homeless and/or HIV+. For more information on the project and how to apply, contact Frances Davis at fdavis@trilliumhealth.org or 585-270-2857.
Driver’s License Suspension Reform Act (DLSRA)
Recent legislation has been passed, the Driver’s License Suspension Reform Act (DLSRA), which ends driver’s license suspenstions for failure to pay unpaid traffic fines or failure to appear to answer a traffice summons, an appearance ticket or a traffic hearing. DLSRA reinstates driver’s licenses and creates an installment payment plan to pay outstanding fines and…
Job opportunities for clients we serve
I had the pleasure of meeting with Val Ruoff Supervisor at Waste Management last week and he shared with me the opportunities at Waste Management are endless. He is very interested in working with our populations and helping them work through the necessary barriers people we all serve go through, so they are able to…